This chapter explains the features and use of the inspectors in Create. It also discusses the view controls that are included in the Inspector panel.

Introduction to Inspectors

Create allows you to modify various aspects of the graphic objects via inspectors. The controls in the inspectors apply to a selected object or objects. Each graphic object has a First inspector (its default inspector) as well as certain other inspectors that can affect it (see First Inspector below for more information on First Inspectors). Many of the inspectors can affect almost all of the objects, but some only apply to a corresponding graphic object. All of the inspectors are easily accesible. A key to making the most of Create is knowing what inspectors affect which objects.

The inspectors fall into five categories: Mainstay inspectors (Line Attributes and Scale• Rotate), Effects inspectors, Text inspectors, Layout inspectors and Specialized inspectors.

First Inspector

Use this button for quick access to an object's First inspector. The First inspector is the default inspector for an object. For many objects, the First inspector controls characteristics of that object that are unique to that object. In other cases, as with the box or oval, the object's First inspector is the one you're most likely to use. This inspector is displayed when you first create the object. You can return to an object's First inspector at any time by clicking on this 1 button. Check the description of the Create tools in Chapter 3 for indication of what each object's First inspector is.

Created by Stone Design's Create on 4/26/2003