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New Empty brings up a new untitled document. Use Save... to title the doc.
New... allows you to choose a "template" to create a new untitled document. This is excellent for stationary and form letters, etc. See also Save Template...
Open... brings up a standard Open Panel which allows you to select .create and .createImage files.
Import... brings up an Open Panel to select TIFF or EPS files for insertion into the current document. You can also drag and drop these files into a doc.
Close shuts the window that you have open. If you have an unsaved window, then Create will ask you whether you want to save the document before you close it.
Save brings up the Save menu - see below.
Revert to Saved After confirming that you will loose all changes since the last save, the last saved version of the document will be reopened. This is useful if you have made any major mistakes that even Undo cannot fix.
Pages brings up the pages menu - see below.
Page Setup... brings up the Page Setup panel which allows you to specify page size, and other printer specific choices. You can also set the margins of the page, which is by default 0, so that you can see the whole page.
Print... brings up the Print panel to allow you to print the current document. You are provided with an option to print the name of the document and the current date in the Edit->Preferences->Printing/HTML menu, please see Chapter 6, Preferences. You are given the option in this panel to choose the number of pages from your document that will print on each page. |
Quit terminates Create, first asking you if you want to save any unsaved documents. | |
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