Duplicate copies the current page, adds it and then displays it.
Remove removes the current page, after first asking you "are you sure?"
Next displays the next page. If you are on the last page, it's disabled.
Previous displays the previous page. If you are on the first page, it's disabled.
Play continuously displays each consecutive page in a loop.
    See Edit->Preferences->Misc to set seconds before turning next page.

Order... brings up the Page Ordering panel:

You rearrange the pages by dragging them into the order you wish to have. If "Slide" is selected and you move page 1 to page 4, then page 2 becomes page1, page 3 becomes page 2, and page 4 becomes page 3.
If "Swap" is selected and you move page 1 to page 4, page 1 becomes page 4, and page 4 becomes page 1. Choose "Cancel" to ignore your changes, and choose "OK" to make the changes take effect.

Created by Stone Design's Create on 4/26/2003